First Semester Volunteer Experience

Packing food with Leadership Safari

During my Leadership Safari experience, my group got to package non perishable food to send to a food bank. It was fun to have our group work together for a great cause.


Orientation Volunteer

During Safari, I got the chance to volunteer to swipe cards and guide traffic into the Freshmen Orientation pt 2. It was cool that I got that opportunity right from Safari and as a bonus I got a free t-shirt!

Crop Walk

As a part of Barnes and Robbinson Hall Council, I got to go door to door in each dorm collecting money to donate to Isabella County’s Crop Walk. I didn’t raise a ton because I only had the chance to go to college residents, but it’s better than nothing! Plus, I got to meet many residents around the community.


As a part of Resident Hall Assembly’s Sober in October events, I got to volunteer with the Spooktacular in Robbinson’s Residential Dining Hall. I managed games that were played to win prizes, helped decorate, and helped clean up after the event.

K-12 Facilitation

This has been by far my most favorite volunteer experience that I have ever done. Two different times, I got to connect with students from high school’s around Michigan and facilitate leadership challenge activities. I got to watch the students grow from not communicating to laughing and having inside jokes. It was such an amazing experience to watch and be apart of. These students inspire me to be better everyday.



A lot of people don’t like algebra but I have a love for it…what else can I say? I have had the chance to get to know friends of friends who have needed extra one-on-one help with their MTH 105 and MTH 107 classes. Not only did I get to help them, it reinforced the basic algebra skills in my head so I could apply them more often in my calculus class.